Simple Yet Satisfying

Good Morning,

                 Last night I made a simple dinner. It had been a busy day and I needed to whip up something fast. So with that being said, I made an all in one kind of dinner. You know..when you put everything in a pan and put it in the oven, yes I did, and I'm proud of it. It turned out great. After looking at the meal I just conquered, I felt like it wasn’t enough. I always try to add veggies to every meal if possible, not just to because it's healthy but it also helps to expand the meal. When in doubt I’ll add something that cooks quickly. Tonight it was broccoli. My 3-year-old loves broccoli and who am I to deny him the wonderful green vegetable....with cheese of course. So to break it all down, I added small potatoes cut in half, frozen sweet potato pieces, frozen butternut squash pieces and chicken breast on top. Seasoned everything with a simple seasoning of garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper. It cooked for about a little over an hour and I turned the tray around to cook everything evenly after the first 30 min. Once that was done and I felt like I could do a little better at this one-pan dinner thing, I placed the frozen broccoli on a tray and cooked that in the oven for about 15 min and it was ready to go. Everything was cooked at 375 degrees Fahrenheit and I was pleased to have made such a full meal within the hour. Bravo and Thank you. So when you feel under pressure, take a deep breath and remember you got this!


Not only was I able to cook dinner but I was able to prepare some chicken for another meal. I gotta say it feels great knowing I not only have leftovers from last nights dinner but I also have another dinner ready for tomorrow. She shoots, she scores!!! Yes I’m a happy momma bear. 

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