Kids Pizza Pizza Pizza Pie

Good Evening Friends,

The other night my husband worked a late shift and I didn't feel like cooking a full course meal for my kids who would rather eat pizza. Sigh. So here we are. I usually make 2 medium sized pizzas but this day I decided to split the two into four. My kids enjoyed making their own pizza. Being able to add their own toppings was probably their favorite part of the whole process. I think a sense of accomplishment was very fulfilling for them. I'm just glad I didn't have to yell at anyone to stay out the kitchen while I try to cook dinner. (wipes forward in relief). Scroll down to the bottom, for the pizza recipe and pictures of my pizza process. Enjoy and have fun!

Yields: 2x 10 "; 4x 5" Pizzas

Pizza Dough
3 1/2 Cup Flour
2 TSP Salt
1 TSP Sugar
2 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 1/3 Cups of Warm Water, 110 degrees ( as warm as a baby bottle)
1 Envelope of Yeast (2 1/2 TSP)

Pizza Sauce
4oz can Tomato Sauce
Dried Oregano, to taste
Dried Basil, to taste
Granulated Garlic, to taste
Granulated Onion, to taste
Salt & Pepper, to taste
Pinch of Sugar
1 Cup Shredded Mozzarella

Chicken Pieces
Sausage Pieces
Broccoli Florets

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