I have vs. I need!

Good Day Everyone,

             My name is Jinelle and I’m starting this blog with intentions of helping others get started and stay organized with meal planning. I homecook a lot of my family meals and it helps not only to save money, but also helps me make sure my family is eating well and not just junk all the time. I will be posting meals I cook with suggested alternatives as well as some kids snacks and dessert ideas. So let’s jump right in...
            Are you staring at the fridge every night wonder what are you going to cook for dinner? Or even breakfast and lunch? I am here to help get you started on planning meals ahead of time. You may have everything you need right in your kitchen and you just don't know it. So grab a pen and paper and let's get started. I want you to go in your cabinets and pantry, write down what you have available. Your favorite sauces, sides and can goods to start. It's always good to start somewhere and this is the first step to becoming more organized when it comes to making meals for the family. You won't know what you need until you know what you already have. Okay people lets get moving.
             Okay, now that you have your dry goods lists, let’s move on to the fridge and freezer. Once you have everything written down, it’s time to take a seat and grab another piece of paper. Your almost done. Use the lists of food items to help guide you throw meals you may have on hand. I personally like to start with dinner meals. For example, if I have ground turkey in the freezer and taco seasoning, and tortillas in my pantry then I would write tacos as one of my dinner meals for the month. I usually aim for at least 20-25 meals because I know I will make homemade pizza a few times and have leftovers throughout the month. When your done with dinner move on to breakfast meals and lunch. Not only do you write meals you may have but also write some you want to try this month and use the lists of meals to create your grocery list for things you may not have on hand. You got this! If you have any questions please leave it in the post and I’ll answer as soon as I can. Happy planning!!

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