Meal Planning 101

We all plan meals and don't even realize it. When we get hungry, we walk into the kitchen, open the fridge and look in it to see what we can find to eat. Sometimes we'll stand in the fridge a few times until a miracle happens or a meal idea magically pops up. A lot of the time we have all the ingredients to a meal and don't even realize it because we haven't taken the necessary steps. Below I have created an infographic to simplify meal planning for those who need a more visual explanation of how to get started. It will take maybe five minutes of your time to review and you'll be able to follow along and create meal plans in no time. You'll be so good at it, that you'll even be able to help a friend or family member along their meal planning journey. Once you've got the hang of things, you'll see a major change in the food items you choose to purchase and how much you actually have to spend on day to day meals. So take a look and try it out. I know you'll do great. If you have any questions or comments, please them down below. If you like what you've been reading on my blog please follow to stay in the scoop with updates. Thanks for stopping by!

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