Meatless Meatballs

If any of you have kids under the age of 5 and receive WIC, which is short for Women, Infants, and Children then you know how beneficial it is. For those who don't know, it's a program available for pregnant women and women with children under the age of 5. It's such a helpful program in that it makes sure the mom and children are healthy as well as offer small amounts of food in the form of a check. The checks are used to purchase a specific list of food items in local supermarkets. Let me just stop and say, every little bit helps. With all of that useful info in mind, my youngest son receives WIC checks and on these checks, he gets Tofu. When I found out this was an option, my husband and I were not only shocked but humbly grateful. For my family of six, one package of Tofu feeds us all one meal. There are no leftovers but hey, I'll take it. Not only does he receive Tofu on his checks but he receives four packages of Tofu. (Holds face and does home Alone scream)...okay maybe just a shocked face and not the full scream...I'm a lady for goodness sakes. Okay back to the point. That's four meals already added to my meal plan. With this wonderful magic called the web, the meal possibilities are endless, which brings me to my recipe for last night. Meatless Meatballs. May sound unappealing to your average carnivore but please don't knock it until you try it. They turned out wonderful. Let me also add that adding a meatless night at least once a weak to your meal plan is not only healthy but definitely a money saver, while offering variety. Wink. Yea, mommy still got it. Let's check out the recipe for these meatless masterpieces. PS: These make a great freezer meal.


14-16oz Package of Extra Firm Tofu
1 Cup of Carrots (about 2 medium sized)
Half an Onion
2 Cloves of Garlic
1/4 Cup of Bell Peppers (I used Yellow)
TBSP Garlic Powder
TBSP Onion Powder
TSP Italian Seasoning
1/2 TSP Mango Habanero Seasoning
TBS Parsley
1-1 1/2 Cup BreadCrumbs
4 Dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
Salt & Pepper to Taste
1 1/2 Jars of Spaghetti Sauce
Box of Spaghetti

1. Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit. Cut carrots, onion, peppers in small sections and place in food processor with garlic and shred carrots into tiny pieces.
2. Cut Tofu into medium pieces and place in food processor until crumbly texture.
3. Add all needed seasoning as well as Worcestershire sauce, mix well. Add bread crumbs until combined and holds well.
4. Use a TBSP Icecream scooper or just a spoon and make similar sized small balls with the mixture.
5. Place on Sheet pan and for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
6. Prepare Spaghetti as directed. Add spaghetti sauce and meatless meatball. Enjoy! 


Above is how everything looked when I was done putting them through the food processor. Below is pretty self-explanatory.

Here is what it should look like after adding the breadcrumbs. You can tell it's going to hold pretty well.

Beautiful Meatless Meatball forming...
Optional: After cooking, let cool. Flash freeze uncovered in freezer. Place in a ziplock bag. These are great for a quick meatless meatball meal. Meatless meatball sub, spaghetti & Meatless meatball, etc.

Voila! Dinner is Served and money is saved. Cha-ching!

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