Pass The Cheese Please

Good Morning Friends,

I was making lunch for my kids the other day and I thought to myself, I need to share this little tip to other moms and dads who may not know about this. Now it may not seem like a big deal but it makes all the difference when cooking for the kiddos. Every time I add these cheese to their mac and cheese, I receive a thousand compliments from my kids on how cheesy and tasty it is, whether white cheddar or regular. These cheeses are a staple in my house. They can be used for many things other than mac and cheese but I mostly use it for that and cheese dip. Growing up my mom use to use the one in the jar and put it over broccoli. Also when making mac and cheese, you can stretch the meal if you have more than one kid to feed. I usually add Vienne sausages and/or can veggies such as peas and corn. You can really make it your own and keep delicious. Well, that's my tip of the day. I'll be back with more tips coming soon. Enjoy and have fun. 

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