February 28, 2018

Kitchen Herb Habits

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Good Morning Friends,

If your a daily cooker/baker like my husband and I then fresh herbs are an absolutely must along with veggies and fruits. I just wanted to show you how you should store your soft and hard herbs. Below I have curly Parsley, Cilantro and Chives. Soft herbs need sun light and oxygen to keep fresh for as long as possible where as hard herbs can be kept in the fridge. Click Here for a link to help you in more detail with your herb caretaking. Enjoy and eat fresh!

February 25, 2018

Canned What!!

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Good Morning Friends,

I want to share this simple meal with you guys and I want no judgement. You heard me. Alot people will look at this and think ew, in a can really! But yes, sometimes energy levels are down and time is running out, not to mention hunger rising and options are low. So what do you do? Well I've got an awesome, delicious, marvelous, simple recipe you can enjoy in 10-15 min. Yup! So hear it is. It's a Quesadilla with canned Chicken. We buy canned veggies and canned beans not to mention canned fish so why not chicken. It's so simple. Drain the chicken (that's already cooked by the way) and heat in a skillet. Add the taco seasoning of your choice and cook untill heated through and satisfied. Grab two tortilla wraps and start building. I added onions, peppers, tomatoes and don't for get the cheese! Heat in oven or stove top. I was a little lazy that day so oven it was. 350 degrees Farenheit for 5-8 minutes. Cut in triangles and Enjoy. Simple yet satisfying. This is a great way to stretch your buck and your belly. lol. Enjoy and have fun! 

February 23, 2018

Lunch Meat Madness

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Good Morning Friends,

So I just wanted to drop a little knowledge on you because it's something I just learned about and it's definitely something that everyone can benefit from. I learned that cold cuts are bad for you. I know your thinking like duh! Where have you been Jinelle? Well, guess what, we don't have to steer clear of sandwiches altogether because I found a healthy alternative. Purchase a Rotisserie chicken already cooked at your local supermarket, cut it up and use it as the meat for your lunches. Tada!! I make my husband's lunch every day (money saver) and we have switched to this and he loves it. You can definitely dress it up and make it different ways, such as a wrap, pita bread, etc. Okay, there's your tip guys. Enjoy and make healthy choices!! P.S. You can purchase these with EBT once they're placed in the cold section and just heat and go. Wink!

To read some more info on why lunch meat is not the best option for lunch click here.

February 22, 2018

Pass The Cheese Please

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Good Morning Friends,

I was making lunch for my kids the other day and I thought to myself, I need to share this little tip to other moms and dads who may not know about this. Now it may not seem like a big deal but it makes all the difference when cooking for the kiddos. Every time I add these cheese to their mac and cheese, I receive a thousand compliments from my kids on how cheesy and tasty it is, whether white cheddar or regular. These cheeses are a staple in my house. They can be used for many things other than mac and cheese but I mostly use it for that and cheese dip. Growing up my mom use to use the one in the jar and put it over broccoli. Also when making mac and cheese, you can stretch the meal if you have more than one kid to feed. I usually add Vienne sausages and/or can veggies such as peas and corn. You can really make it your own and keep delicious. Well, that's my tip of the day. I'll be back with more tips coming soon. Enjoy and have fun. 

February 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Day

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Hello Friends,

Yes, it is Valentines Day and love is in the air. Now I'm generally not the type to usually include Valentines Day as a holiday just because I believe love should be shown throughout the year and it shouldn't cost you anything. On the other hand, my school-aged kids get excited about it because school makes it a big deal and that's fine. When I was younger this day was about celebrating the crush you had or boyfriend/girlfriend. Now it also includes friendship or love in general for the family. So with all things considered and the fact that I absolutely love to bake...(when my energy levels are active), I decided to make it a baking day. I picked up some supplies at Walmart and offered a great surprise for my kiddos. If you don't have access to a Walmart, I'm sure there's a dollar store or craft store nearby where you can pick up just one or two things and make magic happen. If not, online shopping is always fun. All righty, let's jump right into photos and recipes...

February 07, 2018

Cornbread Chicken Casserole

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Good Evening Friends,

I got a craving for some chicken pot pie. With all the cold weather some comfort food was in order and well deserved. I realized that I had all the ingredients, but I didn't want to prepare a pie crust. Yes, I was in desperate need of a shortcut and a quick filling meal for my team. Not only did it turn out absolutely delicious but I had leftovers for the following day. Yes!!! I win! Times like these Pinterest is my go-to for a little recipe tweaking. Below I have provided the recipe and some pictures to help get you through your meal. Enjoy and have fun.

February 06, 2018

Kids Pizza Pizza Pizza Pie

by , in
Good Evening Friends,

The other night my husband worked a late shift and I didn't feel like cooking a full course meal for my kids who would rather eat pizza. Sigh. So here we are. I usually make 2 medium sized pizzas but this day I decided to split the two into four. My kids enjoyed making their own pizza. Being able to add their own toppings was probably their favorite part of the whole process. I think a sense of accomplishment was very fulfilling for them. I'm just glad I didn't have to yell at anyone to stay out the kitchen while I try to cook dinner. (wipes forward in relief). Scroll down to the bottom, for the pizza recipe and pictures of my pizza process. Enjoy and have fun!

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