Good Family Eating

March 21, 2018

Chillin Chickpea Salad Sandwich

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Hey Friends,

I know it's been quite some time since I last posted. A few changes have taken place which has affected my free time. It wasn't already limited, to begin with, right. Well, moving forward my family has decided to let go of meat and dairy, and become vegetarians, possibly one day even vegans. This change at first I thought would be simple but it's far from it. There is so much that goes into the meal planning and preparation. All very do-able but still the pessimistic human in me always finds a way to go extra when it comes to meals for my family and to be honest it doesn't have to be. I always looked at vegetarian/vegan meals as just a bunch of sides and I think that's what helps me when it comes to planning meals. So far, so good. Today I just wanted to share this wonderful recipe I found that I am absolutely obsessed with right now. Well check it out below and give it a try, you won't even believe how good it tastes or how it could taste so good when you find out what it's made of. Now that's good family eating. Enjoy.

I originally found this recipe on the tasty app. Definitely, give it a try and download it if you need inspiration for simple meals both vegan and meat based. Click below for the link to the recipe. Enjoy!

February 28, 2018

Kitchen Herb Habits

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Good Morning Friends,

If your a daily cooker/baker like my husband and I then fresh herbs are an absolutely must along with veggies and fruits. I just wanted to show you how you should store your soft and hard herbs. Below I have curly Parsley, Cilantro and Chives. Soft herbs need sun light and oxygen to keep fresh for as long as possible where as hard herbs can be kept in the fridge. Click Here for a link to help you in more detail with your herb caretaking. Enjoy and eat fresh!

February 25, 2018

Canned What!!

by , in
Good Morning Friends,

I want to share this simple meal with you guys and I want no judgement. You heard me. Alot people will look at this and think ew, in a can really! But yes, sometimes energy levels are down and time is running out, not to mention hunger rising and options are low. So what do you do? Well I've got an awesome, delicious, marvelous, simple recipe you can enjoy in 10-15 min. Yup! So hear it is. It's a Quesadilla with canned Chicken. We buy canned veggies and canned beans not to mention canned fish so why not chicken. It's so simple. Drain the chicken (that's already cooked by the way) and heat in a skillet. Add the taco seasoning of your choice and cook untill heated through and satisfied. Grab two tortilla wraps and start building. I added onions, peppers, tomatoes and don't for get the cheese! Heat in oven or stove top. I was a little lazy that day so oven it was. 350 degrees Farenheit for 5-8 minutes. Cut in triangles and Enjoy. Simple yet satisfying. This is a great way to stretch your buck and your belly. lol. Enjoy and have fun! 

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